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What's New?
2/17/2005 |
- The annual commencement dinner
will be held at Lowell House on the Harvard campus in Cambridge on June 9, 2005, with Keith Boykin, JD '92, as the keynote speaker. A New York Times best-selling author and activist, Keith has become one of the nation's leading commentators on race, sexuality, and politics. His keynote speech will address the nexus between the African American Civil Rights Movement and the Gay Civil Rights Movement. A former White House aide to President Clinton, Keith is also a reality television star, lawyer, and educator. At Harvard Law School, Keith was general editor of the Harvard Civil Rights-Civil Liberties Law Review. Keith's current book, Beyond the Down Low, was released in February 2005.
2/2/2005 |
2/12/2004 |
6/16/2003 |
For past HGLC happenings, please see History.