Other Web Sites
This page offers links to Harvard lgbt
sites, other Harvard sites, books
by Caucus members, home pages of Caucus
members, lgbt alumni groups at other
colleges and universities, other good lgbt
resources, and a grab bag of other lgbt
On This Site [top]
Harvard LGBT Sites [top]
- Harvard
Business School Gay and Lesbian Alumni Association
- The Gay, Lesbian and Bisexual Alumni/ae Committee of the
Harvard Law School Association (HLSA/GLBAC) doesn't have a web
site but you can send e-mail to the Chair, Scott
Wiener JD '96
- "Gay
Like Me," an article on gay Harvard alumni by Andrew Tobias,
AB '68, MBA '72, in the January/February 1998 issue of
Harvard Magazine. The letters
to the editor concerning the article make interesting, and
sobering, reading. The letters
about the letters are rather more encouraging. There are
even a handful of letters
about the letters about the letters, towards the middle of the
mailbag for the July/August issue (scroll down). Tobias
received the Smith-Weld
Prize for the most thought-provoking article pertaining to
Harvard published in Harvard Magazine during 1998.
- Harvard and Radcliffe glbt Student Groups
- Harvard Divinity School Library LGBT
Links Page
- Harvard Divinity School's GLBT group's 20th anniversary
conference: "Claiming Our
Faith: Celebrating the Spiritual in Our Lives."
- Harvard
Educational Review Summer 1996 Special Issue on Lesbian, Gay,
Bisexual, and Transgender People and Education
- Gay
Cases from the Harvard Business School Press
- Courses
with gay or lesbian subject matter (or customize
your own search)
- Office of Career Services LGB
Job and Career Resources Page (newly updated)
- Public
Service Opportunities in Gay, Lesbian and Bisexual Rights
(1994) - offered by the Office
of Public Interest Advising at Harvard Law School
Other Harvard Sites
Recent Books by Caucus Members
- The Best
Little Boy in the World Grows Up (and many other books) by
Andrew Tobias AB '68, MBA '72
- Love
and Anger: Essays on AIDS, Activism, and Politics by Peter F.
Cohen, AB '88.
- The Student
Body by "Jane Harvard," a pseudonym for four '86 graduates of
the College, including Caucus members Bennett Singerand Mike
- The Good
Book by Reverend Professor Peter Gomes
- August 32,
2000 by John Newmeyer PhD '70 - a book of essays, also
available on his web
- AIDS-Preventing
Sexual Hygiene by Toby Marotta AB '67, MAT '70, MPA '72, PhD
- The
Rise and Fall of Gay Culture by Daniel R. Harris AM '85
- Strategies of
Deviance: Studies in Gay Male Representation by Earl D.
Jackson, Jr. G '83
- Straight Jobs,
Gay Lives: Gay and Lesbian Professionals, the Harvard Business
School, and the American Workplace, based on interviews with 100
lgb Harvard Business School graduates, by Annette Friskopp and
Sharon Silverstein, both HBS '90
- HIV-Negative
- How the Uninfected are Affected by AIDS, by Wil Johnston AB
- The
Corporate Closet: The Professional Lives of Gay Men in America
- by James D. Woods AB '85 with Jay H. Lukas. Groundbreaking work
about the professional lives of gay men. James Woods died in
November, 1995.
- Cracks
in the Iron Closet: Travels in Gay & Lesbian Russia by
David Tuller AB '78 [Broken link?]
Home Pages of Caucus Members
LGBT Alumni/ae Groups at Other Colleges
and Universities [top]
Other Good LGBT Resources
- Current
- Harvard and Radcliffe alumni figure prominently on the list
of 100 Best Lesbian and Gay Novels just released by Publishing
Triangle, a professional organization of gay men and lesbians
in the book publishing field. The list was selected by a panel
of 14 judges from 574 novels. It contains seven novels by five
Harvard authors: THE BOSTONIANS # 27 and THE TURN OF THE SCREW
#40 by Henry James (HLS, 1862-63); THE AUTOBIOGRAPHY OF ALICE
B. TOKLAS #25 and THREE LIVES #57 by Gertrude Stein (Radcliffe,
1898); NAKED LUNCH by William Burroughs #52 (1936, Adams
House); THE GALLERY #48 by John Horne Burns (1937, Dunster);
and DANCER FROM THE DANCE #15 by Andrew Holleran (1965,
Lowell). No other college had as many books by alumni on the
list -- Harvard must be doing something right. To access the
complete list, go to Publishing Triangle's Web site:
This is an interactive site, so you can add your comments and
your candidates for the best gay and lesbian novels.
- National Resources
- Queer Resources Directory
- a massive collection of information and links.
- Planet Out, which
offers Netqueery
- Rainbow Query -
a search engine
- Gayscape - a
category index of glbt web pages
- National Gay & Lesbian
Task Force (NGLTF)
- Human Rights Campaign
(HRC), also hosting a site for the National
Coming Out Project
- Advocate
- Data Lounge
- Homorama, a search
engine, also including a worldwide
pride photo album
- Gay, Lesbian and Straight
Education Network (now GLSEN, formerly GLSTN)
- Servicemembers Legal Defense
Network (SLDN)
- Freedom to Marry
- Gay and Lesbian
Victory Fund (GLVF)
- Gay and Lesbian Alliance
Against Defamation (GLAAD) - also see their list of
- Lambda Legal Defense
and Education Fund
- National Black Lesbian and
Gay Leadership Forum
- Bromfield Street Educational
Foundation, which publishes Gay
Community News and sponsors The
OutWrite Conference (February 26-29, 1999)
- ONE Institute
International Gay & Lesbian Archives
- Bisexual Resource
Center - based in Boston
- LGBT Campus
Resource Center Directors (Including job
listings. Harvard's BGLTSA Resource
Center is not listed because it is staffed by
- The Guide - gay
travel, entertainment, politics and sex
- Parents, Families and
Friends of Lesbians and Gays (PFLAG)
- We Are Family Foundation
- organization of (mostly) straight people who support equal
rights for lbg people
- Children of Lesbians and
Gays Everywhere (COLAGE)
- Affirmation
of Dignity - statement on sexual orientation issues
proposed to be adopted by colleges and universities
- National Lesbian & Gay
Law Association
- Lambda Literary
Foundation - publishes the Lambda
Book Report and the James
White Review, and confers the Lambda
Literary Awards
- The Body -
An AIDS and HIV information resource, also hosting Poz
- qvMagazine, the nation's largest and most respected gay Latino magazine
- Boston/Cambridge Resources
- Other Local Resources
- Outlines -
Chicago based gay news and information.
- Lavender
Magazine Online - Twin Cities news and information
- MBAQ - an
organization for gay/lesbian business professionals in the New
York City Metro area.
- Non-U.S. Resources
- EGALE - Canadian advocacy
group (Equality for Gays & Lesbians Everywhere)
- Xtra - Gay & Lesbian
Guide to Toronto
- The Knitting
Circle - Lesbian and Gay Staff Association, South Bank
University, London. (includes a remarkable collection of
(Miscellaneous links we've been asked to add which have no
particular connection to Harvard.)
